The Micromobi Consortium

This platform is a result from the Erasmus+ MICROMOBI project co-funded by the EU, bringing together organisations from four European countries: Friends of the Earth Malta (Malta), Friends of the Earth Cyprus (Cyprus), Promimpresa (Palermo, Sicily, Italy), and Ljubljanska kolesarska mreža (Ljubljana Cycling Network – LKM) (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Find out more about each of us!

Promimpresa Società Benefit S.R.L.

is a dynamic VET provider with over 20 years of experience, dedicated to promoting socio-economic inclusion for vulnerable groups, such as NEETs, unemployed individuals, and young offenders. Promimpresa delivers upskilling programs, job counseling, recruitment services, and job placement support. It also promotes cultural, economic, and social development while facilitating the internationalization of local industries through lifelong learning initiatives. Promimpresa has a dedicated department focused on the design and coordination of European projects, specializes in socio-economic inclusion, education, and sustainable development, playing a key role in over 20 Erasmus+ KA2 projects and 4 Cross Border International projects. These projects highlight Promimpresa’s expertise in creating tailored training programs that support the reintegration of vulnerable populations into the labor market.

Ljubljana Cycling Network – LKM (Ljubljanska kolesarska mreža – LKM)

is an NGO based primarily on volunteers work and project-based contractual employment, however it has one full time employee. The objectives of the organization are: improvement of legal framework and conditions for cycling in Slovenia, the city of Ljubljana, and the urban region; increased awareness on cycling as healthy, and environmentally friendly mode of transportation; improved planning, design, and maintenance of cycling infrastructure in the city and country.

Friends of the Earth Malta

Friends of the Earth Malta (FoEM) has been active in the environmental field in Malta since 1985. It was founded with the intention of consolidating various youth and environmental groups in the country, which quickly developed into a committee of activists. In 1991, the group joined the international network of Friends of the Earth International which includes groups from 75 countries and 6 continents, making it the world’s largest grassroots environmental network. FoEM has diverse educational methods to reach out to youths and adults especially focusing on marginalised groups, empowering them to work together for a more sustainable future. FoEM’s work has been informing national policy for four decades. Currently, our campaigns focus is on Climate, Energy & Mobility; Food Agriculture & Biodiversity, and Zero Waste

Friends of the Earth Cyprus

is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, which was established in 1993 and has been based in Limassol since then. Friends of the Earth are a registered association and a recognised charity in the Republic of Cyprus. Its goal is to raise awareness on the importance of preserving the natural environment and to campaign for solutions to environmental and social problems by promoting sustainable policies.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Union Programmes Agency (Malta). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.